Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Ostrog - The Monastery Built Into the High Cliff

Ostrog Monastery

Ostrog Monastery, Cliff top, Montenegro

This cliff-top monastery was built in the 17th Century as a refuge from the invading Turks and at an altitude that seems impossible. It is set into the mountain itself, a cave.  There are two church areas, upper and lower. See ://www.destination-montenegro.com/tours-ostrog.htm/ The lower church was built in the 18th Century. See ://www.wayfaring.info/2009/08/12/discover-montenegro-ostrog-monastery/  The relics of St. Vasilije, who built the monastery, are at Ostrog here.

For an overview, see www.barakatravel.com/ and go on to these further identifications for that site if helpful - ?action=galeria&galeriaId=37.

The road snakes up and up, and buses can only go so far. Then walk.

With a car, creep around each bend.

Ostrog Monastery facade, Montenegro, cliff top

At the base, is a good restaurant (I think it was the only restaurant). Ask the waiter for something the waiter would order if his mother were there. Great approach always. What would your mother cook? Order local dishes.

Be sure to take the left fork up to the monastery. The right fork takes you deeper in the valley. We enjoyed the junket but then were pushed for time getting back.

A white-knuckler but the road is quite good - watch the heights, and lack of guardrails.  For the nervous,  stop midway up and walk the rest of the way. More details atwww.montenegro.org/mon_ost.

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